

In our fast-paced, modern world, finding moments of rest and rejuvenation has become increasingly challenging. However, there is a lesser-known practice gaining recognition for its remarkable benefits: contact napping.

This unique method of napping involves physical contact with another person during sleep, be it a partner, friend, your baby, or even a pet. Many parents have the natural urge to hold their babies as they fall asleep and nap, but did you know that contact napping with your partner can bring equally positive benefits?

While it may sound unconventional, contact napping offers a range of advantages for physical health, emotional well-being, and the strengthening of interpersonal connections. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating realm of contact napping and explore the numerous benefits it brings to individuals and relationships.

Let’s explore 6 benefits of contact napping!

Table of Contents

What Is Contact Napping?

The concept of “contact napping” refers to the practice of taking a nap with another person while maintaining physical contact (touching). It involves two individuals intentionally choosing to sleep in close proximity to each other, often touching or cuddling during the nap. This practice is based on the belief that physical touch and intimacy can enhance relaxation, comfort, and feelings of security during sleep.

Contact napping can be seen as a way to deepen connections and promote a sense of closeness between individuals. It is often associated with romantic partners, close friends, or family members who wish to share a nap experience while enjoying the comfort and emotional support that physical touch can provide. Most often, contact napping is performed between a parent and their young child.

It is worth noting that personal preferences regarding sleep and physical contact can vary greatly from person to person. Some individuals may find contact napping enjoyable and beneficial, while others may prefer to sleep alone or have personal boundaries that prioritize personal space during sleep. Ultimately, it is important to communicate and respect the comfort levels and preferences of each sleeper.

So what are the 6 benefits of contact napping?

1- Enhanced Sleep Quality

Sleep is crucial for our overall well-being, impacting our cognitive function, immune system, and emotional state. Lacking sleep will adversely impact your mood, immune function, memory, and so much more. Did you know that napping is a very effective way to bring your sleep hours up, after a bad night?

Practicing contact napping can significantly improve sleep quality by promoting a sense of security and relaxation. Touch and gentle hugs apply gentle pressure to the body, which naturally help release pleasure hormones. The physical contact and closeness experienced during contact napping release oxytocin, often referred to as the “cuddle hormone.”

What is oxytocin?

Oxytocin is a hormone naturally secreted by the hypothalamus, a small gland at the bottom of the brain. While its main function is to assist with male and female reproductive systems, playing a huge role during women’s labor and delivery and throughout breastfeeding, oxytocin is also known as a “cuddle hormone.”

It secretion is “associated with trust, sexual arousal and relationship building,” and oxytocin peaks when getting a hug or during sexual orgasms. As it reduces stress and anxiety, it helps individuals fall asleep faster and achieve deeper, more restorative sleep.

2- Stress Reduction and Anxiety Management

Physical touch has long been recognized as a powerful stress reliever. During contact napping, the act of cuddling releases endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, which are neurotransmitters associated with pleasure, happiness, and reduced stress.

The touch-based connection established during contact napping creates a safe space where individuals can let go of their worries and anxieties, fostering a state of relaxation and inner peace. Since the touch and its gentle pressure are responsible for stress reduction, contact napping is effective between people in intimate relationships, or not. You, and your child, will gather great benefits from contact napping with each other as well.

We recommend naps of 10 to 25 minutes for the most health benefits. Spending that time hugging someone will only increase the natural health benefits of napping, further reducing your stress, boosting your happiness and confidence in just a few minutes.

3- Boosted Emotional Well-being

Human beings are wired for connection, and contact napping fulfills this innate need for intimacy and closeness. The physical contact involved in contact napping nurtures feelings of comfort, trust, and emotional security. It is a natural function in most humans, which helps them bond with their babies after birth, thanks to the release of oxytocin. Did you know that this hormone has a stronger effect on women?

These positive emotions contribute to an overall sense of well-being, leading to reduced feelings of loneliness and increased happiness. Contact napping can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing periods of stress, grief, or emotional vulnerability, providing them with solace and support. Even a short contact nap can do wonders and truly act as a boost of happiness and self-confidence.

4- Strengthened Bonding and Intimacy

Physical touch plays a pivotal role in deepening emotional connections between individuals. Contact napping enhances bonding and intimacy in relationships by promoting physical closeness, which can be especially beneficial for couples.

Sharing the experience of contact napping fosters a sense of togetherness, strengthens trust, and deepens the emotional connection between partners. This practice can revitalize relationships, rekindle passion, and improve overall relationship satisfaction.

Contact napping with your baby helps you both produce bonding hormones that bring you closer together. It is an important part of building a relationship of trust and love with your growing child. Did you know that skin-to-skin snuggles with your newborn shows reduced depression rates in new mothers and reduced stress, as well as improved mental health, for both parents?

5- Improved Immune Function

This one is one of my favorite benefits of contact napping! Not only slightly unexpected, it does good that you can feel and have a long-term impact for your physical health.

The positive impact of contact napping extends beyond emotional well-being and sleep quality—it can also boost immune function. The release of oxytocin during contact napping helps regulate the immune system, reducing inflammation and promoting healing. Isn’t oxytocin a star hormone?

Moreover, the reduction in stress levels achieved through contact napping supports a healthy immune response, enhancing the body’s ability to fight off illnesses. And this goes for you, and the person you contact nap with – whether an adult or a baby! What are you waiting for? It’s time to contact nap!

6- Alleviation of Pain and Discomfort

Physical touch has been shown to have analgesic effects, providing relief from pain and discomfort. Have you noticed that when walking next to someone, you start synchronizing your steps to the person next to you? Did you know that, when sleeping with someone, you often synchronize your breathing? This behavioral synchrony does not stop there! Humans have the ability to synchronize their physiology, in what is called “interpersonal synchronization.”

As the University of Colorado Boulder studied this phenomenon, they noticed that, as pain was inflicted to the female subject, the touch of her partner allowed their heart and respiration rates to synch, reducing the woman’s pain, and increasing the man’s empathy!

The soothing and comforting nature of contact napping can alleviate various types of pain, including headaches, muscle tension, and chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia. By promoting relaxation and pain relief, contact napping offers a drug-free approach to managing discomfort.

6 Benefits of Contact Napping

Contact napping, although relatively unknown to many, maybe even slightly taboo, holds incredible potential for improving overall well-being. From enhancing sleep quality and reducing stress, to fostering emotional connections, boosting happiness, reducing pain, and strengthening relationships, the benefits of contact napping are plentiful.

By embracing this practice and experiencing the power of physical touch, individuals can tap into a world of profound relaxation, emotional support, and rejuvenation. In a society that often neglects the importance of rest and human connection, contact napping serves as a beautiful reminder of the transformative impact of physical closeness and the vital role it plays in our lives.



Most frequent questions and answers

Contact napping refers to the practice of taking a nap while maintaining physical contact with another person, whether it be a partner, friend, or even a pet. It involves cuddling or snuggling during sleep to enhance relaxation and emotional connection.

Contact napping can benefit many individuals, particularly those who crave physical closeness, struggle with sleep quality, or seek emotional support. It is important to consider personal preferences and comfort levels with physical touch before engaging in contact napping.

Contact napping is generally considered safe and beneficial. However, it is important to ensure that both individuals involved in contact napping are comfortable and consent to the practice. Additionally, if either person has certain health conditions or discomfort during sleep, it is crucial to adjust the position or consult a healthcare professional if needed.

Contact napping can provide temporary rest and rejuvenation, but it is not a substitute for a full night’s sleep. While it can enhance relaxation and emotional well-being, it is still important to prioritize adequate sleep duration and quality.

The ideal duration of a contact nap can vary depending on individual preferences and schedules. Generally, a nap duration of 20 to 30 minutes can provide a refreshing boost, while longer naps of 60 to 90 minutes can offer deeper relaxation and restorative benefits. It is important to consider personal sleep needs and avoid napping too close to bedtime to prevent disruption of nighttime sleep.

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What impact does excessive sleep have on a teenager's overall well-being?

Excessive sleep can impact a teenager's overall well-being by disrupting their daily routines, affecting academic performance, reducing productivity, and potentially exacerbating feelings of fatigue or low mood. It is important to address the underlying causes to support their overall health and well-being.

Are there any specific strategies or techniques to help teenagers overcome excessive sleep?

Strategies to help teenagers overcome excessive sleep include establishing consistent sleep schedules, promoting daytime physical activity, limiting screen time before bed, teaching stress management techniques, and seeking professional guidance if needed. It's important to tailor the strategies to the teenager's specific needs and circumstances.

When should I seek professional help for a teenager who sleeps all day?

If excessive sleep persists despite implementing strategies at home, or if it is accompanied by other concerning symptoms or impairments, it is advisable to seek professional help. A healthcare professional or sleep specialist can evaluate the situation, rule out underlying medical or psychological causes, and provide appropriate guidance.

Is there a connection between excessive sleep and mental health issues in teenagers?

Yes, there can be a connection between excessive sleep and mental health issues in teenagers. Excessive sleep can be a symptom of or a coping mechanism for mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or chronic stress. Addressing the mental health concerns is crucial in managing excessive sleep.

Can lifestyle factors, such as irregular schedules or poor time management, contribute to excessive sleep?

Yes, lifestyle factors can contribute to excessive sleep in teenagers. Irregular schedules, poor time management, excessive workload, or engaging in stimulating activities before bed can disrupt their sleep patterns and lead to extended sleep durations.

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Picture of Laura Georgieff
Laura Georgieff

Laura is a mother of three who did not sleep through the night for the first 5.5 years of her kids' lives. She is passionate about sleep quality and loves sharing her experience and knowledge of all thing bedding! It is her mission to help you make the best decisions when it comes to sleep and help you get the best deal on the market!

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