

When we feel under the weather, the instinctive response is often to soldier on and continue with our daily routines. Our culture has a keep-going mindset that pushes us to the trenches… instead of taking a step back and taking care of ourselves first. 

Unfortunately, neglecting our bodies’ need for restorative sleep can be detrimental to our recovery process, making it longer, and in the long run, creating more damage than taking some time off to rest and recover.

Sleep plays a crucial role in boosting our immune system, reducing inflammation, and promoting overall healing. Let’s explore the reasons why you should prioritize sleep while sick and how it can assist in your journey to wellness.

Note that we are not doctors and this does not consist medical advice. Please consult a medical professional if you are feeling unwell.

Table of Contents

1- Boosting the Immune System

Our immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that acts in response to infections. It is the system that helps us fight infections and other diseases.

Sleep is a powerful ally in strengthening our immune system, which is vital when combating illness. During sleep, our bodies produce infection-fighting antibodies and immune cells, such as cytokines, to fend off pathogens. The National Library of Medecine states that “the endocrine milieu during early sleep likely promotes the initiation of Th1 immune responses that eventually supports the formation of long-lasting immunological memories.”

Research has shown that inadequate sleep can weaken our immune response, making us more susceptible to infections. By allowing ourselves ample sleep, we provide our immune system with the necessary resources to combat illness effectively. Put simply, sleep is helping your body respond, and fight, what is making you sick in the first place.

2- Facilitating Healing and Recovery

Sleep is a regenerative process that aids with tissue repair and cellular rejuvenation. When we are sick, our bodies require extra energy to fight off pathogens and heal damaged tissues. That extra work requires an increase in energy spending, which means that you need to support your body by giving it a chance to generate energy.

By prioritizing sleep, we provide our bodies with the opportunity to redirect resources towards these vital healing processes. Sleep helps reduce inflammation, support wound healing, and restore optimal functioning of our organs. It also helps regulate the release of growth hormones, essential for tissue repair and overall recovery.

Sleep is healing, which is exactly what you need when sick, so don’t make it harder for your body to process your sickness – get some sleep when sick!

3- Improving Symptom Management

Sleep can significantly alleviate the unpleasant symptoms associated with being sick. Resting allows our bodies to regulate body temperature, reducing feverish discomfort, and putting you in a state of semi-unconsciousness, acting as an analgesic. Medical News calls sleep “the best painkiller.”

They even go on to state that “new research, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, finds that sleep deprivation increases sensitivity to pain by numbing the brain’s painkilling response.” During the study, patients reported feeling less pain on the days following a good night of sleep, which confirms sleep as a natural analgesic that can “help manage and lower pain.”

Professor Matthew Walker made the powerful conclusion that: “Our findings suggest that patient care would be markedly improved, and hospital beds cleared sooner, if uninterrupted sleep were embraced as an integral component of healthcare management.”

You will find that sleep helps manage symptoms such as headaches, body aches, congestion, and coughing. By giving our bodies the rest they need, we can experience a reduction in the severity and duration of these symptoms, leading to a more comfortable recovery.

4- Enhancing Mental Well-Being

Illness can take a toll on our mental well-being, leading to feelings of fatigue, irritability, and mood swings. Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining our mental health, as it allows our brains to recharge and process emotions effectively. Research has shown “evidence that sleep plays a key role in regulating emotion,” and we know the positive impact of healthy mental well-being in fighting sickness.

By ensuring adequate sleep while sick, we can improve our mood, enhance cognitive function, and better cope with the challenges associated with illness. Sleep also aids in stress reduction, which is vital for a speedy recovery.

5- Preventing the Spread of Illness

An often overlooked aspect of sleep while sick, is its potential to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. When we rest, we are less likely to engage in social activities that can transmit the illness to others. While schools are good at telling us to keep sick kiddos home, we somehow grow up to ignore the need for rest and isolation. Going to work and staying social only prolongs and exacerbate the symptoms of the illness, and puts other at risk.

By staying home and prioritizing sleep, we reduce the risk of infecting coworkers, friends, or family members. Resting adequately not only benefits our own recovery but also demonstrates responsible behavior towards the well-being of those around us.

5 Reasons To Sleep While Sick

While it may be tempting to push through and continue with our daily lives when we are sick, the importance of sleep during illness cannot be overstated.

Prioritizing rest allows our bodies to focus on healing, bolstering our immune system, and managing symptoms more effectively. By recognizing the healing power of sleep, we can embrace it as a vital tool in our journey to recovery. So, the next time you are feeling under the weather, remember to tuck yourself into bed, let sleep work its magic, and pave the way for a swifter return to good health.



Most frequent questions and answers

Yes, getting extra sleep when you’re sick is important because sleep helps your body recover. It supports your immune system, aids in tissue repair, and allows your body to produce infection-fighting substances.

Yes, sleep is crucial for the recovery process. During sleep, your body releases hormones that promote healing and repair. It also conserves energy, which can be redirected towards fighting off the illness.

The amount of sleep needed when you’re sick varies depending on the individual and the severity of the illness. In general, aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep is beneficial for most adults. However, listen to your body and allow yourself to sleep more if needed.

Common sleep disturbances when you’re sick include difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night, coughing, nasal congestion, fever-induced sweats, and general discomfort due to symptoms like body aches or headaches.

Sleeping in an elevated position with extra pillows can help alleviate symptoms like nasal congestion. Additionally, finding a comfortable position that minimizes pressure on areas of discomfort, such as propping up pillows under painful joints or muscles, can be helpful.

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Is it important to get extra sleep when I'm sick?

Yes, getting extra sleep when you're sick is important because sleep helps your body recover. It supports your immune system, aids in tissue repair, and allows your body to produce infection-fighting substances.

Can sleep help me recover faster from an illness?

Yes, sleep is crucial for the recovery process. During sleep, your body releases hormones that promote healing and repair. It also conserves energy, which can be redirected towards fighting off the illness.

How many hours of sleep should I aim for when I'm sick?

The amount of sleep needed when you're sick varies depending on the individual and the severity of the illness. In general, aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep is beneficial for most adults. However, listen to your body and allow yourself to sleep more if needed.

What are some common sleep disturbances associated with being sick?

Common sleep disturbances when you're sick include difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night, coughing, nasal congestion, fever-induced sweats, and general discomfort due to symptoms like body aches or headaches.

Are there any specific sleeping positions that can help alleviate symptoms?

Sleeping in an elevated position with extra pillows can help alleviate symptoms like nasal congestion. Additionally, finding a comfortable position that minimizes pressure on areas of discomfort, such as propping up pillows under painful joints or muscles, can be helpful.

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Picture of Laura Georgieff
Laura Georgieff

Laura is a mother of three who did not sleep through the night for the first 5.5 years of her kids' lives. She is passionate about sleep quality and loves sharing her experience and knowledge of all thing bedding! It is her mission to help you make the best decisions when it comes to sleep and help you get the best deal on the market!

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