

Have you recently entered the mouth guard game? Congratulations! Whether for orthodontics or medical conditions, you have stepped into a world of slight sleep discomfort. Not to worry, we have easy tips for sleeping with a mouth guard, that will get you back to sleeping in no time.

Sleep is essential for our overall well-being, and if you suffer from conditions like teeth grinding or jaw clenching, wearing a mouth guard while sleeping can be a game-changer. Mouth guards, also known as night guards or dental splints, are dental molds designed to protect your teeth and alleviate the discomfort associated with bruxism (teeth grinding) and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD).

However, adjusting to sleeping with a mouth guard can be a bit challenging at first. Let’s jump straight into our 7 tips to help you sleep comfortably while maximizing the benefits of wearing a mouth guard.

Table of Contents

1- Get a Custom-Fitted Mouth Guard

Before talking about sleep strategies, let’s make sure that you put the best chances on your side with the right equipment.

Investing in a custom-fitted mouth guard is crucial for optimal comfort and protection. Dentists can create personalized mouth guards that perfectly fit your mouth by taking a mold of your teeth and palate, ensuring a secure and comfortable fit. Custom mouth guards offer better protection against teeth grinding, minimize the risk of dislodgement during sleep, and reduce the chances of developing soreness or ulcers in your mouth.

While they may be more expensive, you will be certain to have a perfect fit for your mouth and will minimize the risks of pains and aches. Using a mouth guard that has not been custom-fitted for your mouth will often result in a waste of money and having to purchase a second unit.

2- Gradual Adjustment Period

Now that we know you have the best mouth guard you can get for your mouth, let’s talk adjustment period!

It is natural, and expected, to experience some discomfort when you start wearing a mouth guard. It will likely be at least 2 to 3 weeks until you can wear your mouth guards for long periods of time without discomfort.

To ease the adjustment process, gradually increase the duration of wear. We suggest starting by wearing it for a few hours during the day, and gradually progressing to overnight use. This gradual increase will help your jaw muscles adapt and minimize any potential discomfort during sleep.

3- Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is crucial when using and sleeping with a mouth guard, and your dentist should have given you pointers. If not, always feel free to reach out to your dental office to ask for advice.

Before putting your mouth guard on (day or night), make sure to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth. This will avoid food particles and sugar from drinks, from getting stuck in your teeth. This is a crucial step to prevent cavities and other dental ailments. Without a mouth guard, your saliva, as well as the water you drink, constantly rinse your teeth. With a mouth guard on, unfortunately, you will depend solely on your toothbrush. Make sure your teeth are perfectly clean before putting your mouth guard on.

As you wear it, clean your mouth guard regularly, as instructed by your dentist, to prevent the buildup of bacteria and unpleasant odors. A clean and fresh mouth guard enhances your overall comfort and oral health, preventing bad breath and more painful “surprises”.

4- Relaxation Techniques Before Bed

Stress and anxiety can contribute to teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Practicing relaxation techniques before bed, can help calm your mind and body. Try activities like deep breathing exercises, meditation, gentle stretches, or taking a warm bath. Note that meditation and breathing techniques require patience and practice, but can become very effective and be a true ally for your mental health.

By reducing stress levels, you may experience less teeth grinding, leading to a more peaceful night’s sleep. As you get used to your favorite relaxation techniques, you will effectively improve your ability to fall asleep in the long-term, making sleeping with a mouth guard, a lot easier.

5- Avoid Stimulants and Habits

Just as we made sure you are putting the best chances on your side with a custom-fitted mouth guard, let’s cover our basis on sleep hygiene.

Certain substances like caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol can interfere with your sleep quality and exacerbate teeth grinding. Limit or avoid consuming these substances, particularly in the evening. Additionally, be mindful of habits like chewing on pens, pencils, or gum during the day, as they can contribute to jaw muscle tension and increase the likelihood of teeth grinding at night.

Have you thought whether your inability to fall asleep with a mouth guard, may be due to your inability to fall asleep, period? There are many ways to fall asleep faster, that can be applied whether using a mouth guard or not.

6- Optimize Sleep Environment

Create a comfortable sleep environment to enhance the quality of your sleep. Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, a sleep heaven that you are looking forward to getting to at night.

The top 3 rules are to keep your bedroom cool, quiet, and dark. Use earplugs or white noise machines, if needed, to drown out any disruptive sounds. Invest in a supportive pillow that keeps your head and neck in a neutral position, as well as in a mattress adapted to your sleeping position. Lastly, opt for soft and natural bed sheets in a neutral earth-tone colors, to create a relaxing atmosphere.

By ensuring optimal sleep conditions, you will improve your overall sleep experience, which will make sleeping easier while wearing a mouth guard.

7- Seek Professional Guidance

If you are experiencing persistent discomfort after easing your way into your mouth guard (tip #2 above), or if your mouth guard does not seem to fit properly, consult your dentist.

Dental professionals can assess your condition and make necessary adjustments to ensure your mouth guard provides maximum comfort and effectiveness. Regular dental check-ups are also important to monitor any changes in your dental health and address any concerns promptly.

How Do I Care For My Mouth Guard

Mouth guards are a bit of an investment, especially if you have gotten a custom-fitted one. So how do you care for your new mouth guard, to ensure we will get the most life out of it?

As you sleep at night, some of the plaque from your teeth, becomes stuck to the inside of your night guard. The first thing you should do in the morning, is rinse off your mouth guard under warm water as soon as you take it off. This will clear up saliva and plaque, and avoid bad odors in the long term.

As you brush your teeth after breakfast, it is recommended that you brush the inside, and outside, of your night guard, with just water. Avoid using tooth paste, which could damage your mouth guard and shorten its life. If you want to brush it with a detergent once a month, favor dish soap or castile soap.

Before storing your mouth guard into its case for the day, let it fully air dry to prevent the risk of bacteria growing in a warm and damp environment. Then put your night guard in its case and keep it away from damp environments (i.e., bathrooms), very hot or cold places (i.e., by a window). We recommend keeping it on your bedside table to extend its useful life.

The University of California Irvine recommends you deep clean your mouth guard once a year,using hydrogen peroxide and vinegar in the following manner:

  • “Soak the night guard in distilled white vinegar for at least 30 minutes.”
  • “After soaking, rinse the night guard
    and the bowl with water.”
  • “Then soak the night guard in hydrogen peroxide for at least 30 more minutes.”
  • “Once finished, rinse with water and allow the night guard to dry completely.”

Tips For Sleeping With A Mouth Guard

Wearing a mouth guard during sleep is a proactive step towards protecting your teeth and alleviating the discomfort caused by teeth grinding and TMJD, but it can be a bit of a challenge to get used to. Trading teeth grinding for insomnia, is definitely not what you had in mind when you decided to get fitted for your mouth guard.

By following these 7 easy tips for sleeping with a mouth guard, you can expect to enjoy restful nights of sleep. Remember, consistency and proper care are key to making your adjustment period as smooth as possible. Take care of your oral health, improve your sleeping health and environment, and embrace the benefits of a good night’s sleep while wearing your mouth guard!



Most frequent questions and answers

To get used to sleeping with a mouthguard, start by wearing it for a few hours during the day and gradually increase the duration. This allows your jaw muscles to adapt. It may take a few nights to get used to the sensation, but most people adjust over time.

The adjustment period varies from person to person. Some individuals adapt within a few nights, while others may take a couple of weeks. Consistency in wearing the mouthguard during sleep will help speed up the adjustment process.

Yes, most mouthguards are designed to be worn throughout the night. However, it’s always advisable to follow the instructions provided by your dentist or the manufacturer of the mouthguard.

Yes, there are different types of mouthguards available. Over-the-counter options include boil-and-bite mouthguards, which can be molded to fit your teeth, while custom-fitted mouthguards are made by a dentist based on impressions of your teeth for a precise fit and optimal comfort.

Mouthguards should not significantly affect your breathing while sleeping. However, if you experience breathing difficulties or excessive dryness of the mouth, consult your dentist to ensure proper fit and function.

While a mouthguard can help protect your teeth and reduce the impact of grinding, it may not completely stop the habit. However, it can minimize the damage and associated discomfort.

More Sleep Resources

How can I get used to sleeping with a mouth guard?

To get used to sleeping with a mouth guard, start by wearing it for a few hours during the day and gradually increase the duration. This allows your jaw muscles to adapt. It may take a few nights to get used to the sensation, but most people adjust over time.

How long does it take to adjust to wearing a mouth guard while sleeping?

The adjustment period varies from person to person. Some individuals adapt within a few nights, while others may take a couple of weeks. Consistency in wearing the mouth guard during sleep will help speed up the adjustment process.

Can I wear my mouth guard all night?

Yes, most mouth guards are designed to be worn throughout the night. However, it's always advisable to follow the instructions provided by your dentist or the manufacturer of the mouth guard.

Are there different types of mouth guards available for sleep?

Yes, there are different types of mouth guards available. Over-the-counter options include boil-and-bite mouth guards, which can be molded to fit your teeth, while custom-fitted mouth guards are made by a dentist based on impressions of your teeth for a precise fit and optimal comfort.

Will wearing a mouth guard affect my breathing while sleeping?

Mouth guards should not significantly affect your breathing while sleeping. However, if you experience breathing difficulties or excessive dryness of the mouth, consult your dentist to ensure proper fit and function.

Can a mouthguard stop me from grinding my teeth completely?

While a mouth guard can help protect your teeth and reduce the impact of grinding, it may not completely stop the habit. However, it can minimize the damage and associated discomfort.

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Picture of Laura Georgieff
Laura Georgieff

Laura is a mother of three who did not sleep through the night for the first 5.5 years of her kids' lives. She is passionate about sleep quality and loves sharing her experience and knowledge of all thing bedding! It is her mission to help you make the best decisions when it comes to sleep and help you get the best deal on the market!

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