

As consumers, we eagerly anticipate major sales events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the 4th of July to snag the best deals on various products, including mattresses.

These shopping holidays often present an excellent opportunity to save money, but how do the prices during the 4th of July sales compare to the long-awaited Black Friday and Cyber Monday mattress sales?

In this article, we are comparing mattress sales during 4th of July vs. Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday. We will look into prices and deals to help you determine which shopping event offers the most enticing deals when it comes to mattresses and bedding.

In the meantime, based on time of year, check our updated 4th of July Mattress Sales and Black Friday / Cyber Monday Mattress Sales. We typically start updating them about a month prior to the actual sale.

Table of Contents

Understanding Mattress Sales

Black Friday Mattress Sales

Black Friday, traditionally held the day after Thanksgiving, is known for its exceptional discounts and doorbuster deals across a wide range of products and industries.

Shoppers flock to physical stores in the middle of the night, often braving hour-long lines, to score deals on a variety of products. Online retailers have jumped on the bandwagon, and offer significant savings in their online stores.

Black Friday is very popular for its convenient timing, being just about a month before Christmas. It is a busy time for gift and most people are off for the long Thanksgiving weekend, making it a good time to shop. Mattresses, like any other product, are heavily discounted. In many Americans’ minds, it is the best day of the year to purchase anything at all, and you are sure to find a mattress deal.

Cyber Monday Mattress Deals

Cyber Monday follows Black Friday and is primarily focused on online deals, though physical stores have jumped on that band wagon, and keep their deals up throughout that Monday, in store.

Cyber Monday allows consumers to conveniently browse and purchase discounted products from the comfort of their homes or workplaces. Since most mattresses are bought online today, Cyber Monday is a great day to purchase new mattress and bedding.

4th of July Mattress Deals

The 4th of July sales event commemorates Independence Day in the United States. Many retailers take advantage of this holiday to offer attractive discounts across various product categories, including mattresses.

Most mattress manufacturers start offering Mattress Sales towards the end of June, generally after Father’s Day, and run their sales until mid-July or so. It is another excellent time of the year to score a great deal on mattresses.

Comparing Mattress Prices: 4th of July vs. Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday

Discount Levels

The discount levels during the 4th of July mattress sales event are often comparable, and in some cases, even better than those offered on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. While Black Friday and Cyber Monday traditionally provide substantial savings, the 4th of July sales have gained prominence in recent years as retailers compete to attract consumers during the summer season.

Do not dismiss smaller Holidays when it comes to mattress sales. Since Black Friday and Cyber Monday are obvious times of purchase for consumers, we see lots of mattress brands offering very steep discounts during other times of the year, like 4th of July, to attract mid-year buyers.

Product Availability

Black Friday typically offers a broader selection of discounted products, including electronics, appliances, and clothing (well truly, everything… even services, food, etc.).

However, the 4th of July sales are well-suited for specific product categories, such as mattresses, bedding accessories, home furnishings, outdoor gear, and summer-related items.

Online vs. In-Store

Both Black Friday and Cyber Monday embrace online sales, making it convenient for shoppers to find deals without leaving their homes. Since those 2 sales are three days apart, they are really considered one sales event, though some mattress brands further discount their products during the 24-hr Cyber Monday window.

On the other hand, the 4th of July sales event strikes a balance between in-store and online promotions, allowing consumers to choose their preferred shopping method. It is also a much calmer time to shop, with less frenzy and anxiety to score the best deal!

Timing and Duration

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are concentrated within a short timeframe, typically spanning a weekend or a few days.

Conversely, the 4th of July sales event often extends over a more extended period, with deals appearing in the weeks leading up to Independence Day and sometimes continuing for a week or more after. Generally, we see 4th of July mattress sales starting right after Father’s Day and continuing until about mid-July.

Comparing Mattress Sales: 4th of July vs. Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday

When it comes to comparing prices during major sales events like the 4th of July, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, it is clear that the 4th of July mattress sales offer enticing deals on mattresses and bedding.

While Black Friday and Cyber Monday excel in terms of overall product availability, the 4th of July sales focus on specific categories, with mattresses being one of the prominent offerings. Moreover, the discount levels during the 4th of July sales are often on par, if not better, than those during the more renowned shopping holidays, and typically last longer than over the Holidays.

Whether you are in need of a new mattress or other summer-related items, the 4th of July sales event presents a fantastic opportunity to save money. Be sure to keep an eye out for promotions from your favorite mattress brands and retailers, both online and in-store. Remember to review the specific terms and conditions, including return policies, to ensure a smooth shopping experience.

So, as you plan your shopping endeavors, consider taking advantage of the 4th of July sales to score incredible deals on mattresses and enjoy a restful night’s sleep without breaking the bank. Happy shopping and happy 4th of July!


Most frequent questions and answers

Yes, the discounts during the 4th of July sales are often comparable, if not better, than those on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Retailers compete to attract customers during the summer season, resulting in attractive deals on various products, including mattresses.

While Black Friday offers discounts across a broad range of product categories, the 4th of July sales tend to focus on specific areas, such as mattresses, home furnishings, outdoor gear, and summer-related items. However, you can still find deals on other products during the 4th of July sales.

The 4th of July sales strike a balance between online and in-store promotions. Many retailers offer discounts both online and in physical stores, allowing consumers to choose their preferred shopping method.

The duration of the 4th of July sales can vary. While some promotions may be limited to a specific day, many retailers extend their deals over a more extended period. Deals often appear in the weeks leading up to Independence Day, shortly after Father’s Day and may continue for a week or more after, until mid-July.

Absolutely! The 4th of July sales are an excellent time to find discounted mattresses. Many mattress brands and retailers participate in the sales event, offering attractive deals, special promotions, and bundled packages.

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Are the discounts during the 4th of July sales event as good as those on Black Friday or Cyber Monday?

Yes, the discounts during the 4th of July sales are often comparable, if not better, than those on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Retailers compete to attract customers during the summer season, resulting in attractive deals on various products, including mattresses.

Do the 4th of July sales cover a wide range of products like Black Friday does?

While Black Friday offers discounts across a broad range of product categories, the 4th of July sales tend to focus on specific areas, such as mattresses, home furnishings, outdoor gear, and summer-related items. However, you can still find deals on other products during the 4th of July sales.

Are the 4th of July sales primarily online, like Cyber Monday, or do they include in-store promotions as well?

The 4th of July sales strike a balance between online and in-store promotions. Many retailers offer discounts both online and in physical stores, allowing consumers to choose their preferred shopping method.

How long do the 4th of July sales typically last?

The duration of the 4th of July sales can vary. While some promotions may be limited to a specific day, many retailers extend their deals over a more extended period. Deals often appear in the weeks leading up to Independence Day, shortly after Father's Day and may continue for a week or more after, until mid-July.

Can I expect to find good deals on mattresses during the 4th of July sales?

Absolutely! The 4th of July sales are an excellent time to find discounted mattresses. Many mattress brands and retailers participate in the sales event, offering attractive deals, special promotions, and bundled packages.

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Picture of Laura Georgieff
Laura Georgieff

Laura is a mother of three who did not sleep through the night for the first 5.5 years of her kids' lives. She is passionate about sleep quality and loves sharing her experience and knowledge of all thing bedding! It is her mission to help you make the best decisions when it comes to sleep and help you get the best deal on the market!

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